Discussing IDPoor with beneficiaries and implementers at village level

16 January 2017

Cambodia’s Senior Minister of Planning, HE Chhay Than, and other IDPoor management staff visited Kampong Preah commune in Battambang province to see for themselves the outcomes of round 10 of the identification of poor households. They were shown around by the commune chief and 4 other local implementers of IDPoor – all of them women! During the visit, equity card holder Ms Srey Phal shared her experiences with the Minister. She is alone without steady source of income and taking care of her grandchildren after her own two children died. The team also met equity card holders Ms Phat Kosal and her mother and discussed with them the challenges they face in accessing health care as well as their participation in the IDPoor process. The team was accompanied by GIZ, the Australian Embassy and the World Food Programme.

(IDPoor on YouTube: https://youtu.be/k3VrKkTQB2Y)

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