Training programme builds capacity, improves human resources in health sector

4-7 February 2013

Pursat Province, Cambodia – Effective reforms in the health sector need strong capacities at the central level for planning, implementation, management and quality assurance, as well as in stewardship and regulation. In response to this need, the Capacity Building for Effective Health (CBEH) training programme seeks to strengthen capacities of national institutions to jointly tackle challenges of the health system.

“The Capacity Building for Effective Health (CBEH) training programme is the best course that I have ever attended. It really helps us as health practitioners. The course drew the connection from theories, policies, framework into the practice,” stated Mr. Sea Sokhon, Associate Director, Strategic Behavioral Communication (SBC).

The training course addresses decision-makers’ challenges in the field of health sector strategies, policies and administrations. Participants Cambodia, Kenya, Tanzania and Vietnam exchanged lessons learnt and plan to re-apply the knowledge in their local context.

Under the training roadmap, the Cambodian team liaised as, the “Wonder Team”, has been implementing their country project with 10 health centers in Pursat Province. Five of each Operational Districts (OD) in OD Bakaan and OD Sampov Meas  have been selected to implement the pilot project, “Effective HR Management for Health Center in Cambodia” for a period of six months, which commenced in January 2013. The  project aims to improve the capacity of human resource management (HRM) for health managers at the facility level.

From 4-7 February 2013, the “Wonder Team” started the Pilot Site’s baseline survey. The survey assesses leadership at the 10 pilot health centres. Data analysis and reports on the survey’s finding will contribute to project design, monitoring and evaluation.

To encourage a continual exchange between the four participating countries, an international evaluation seminar will take place in Africa, in July or August this year. This seminar will bring participants together to discuss lessons learnt from project implementation and will explore ways to further improve their training approaches.

“From this programme and through our trial project implementation, we can immediately apply what we learned from a series of live workshop, online and study in Germany. It’s really amazing!” Mr. Sokhon added.

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