Strengthening Female Councillors’ Voice for Serving Cambodia’s Citizens

06 December 2016

Opening of the Forum Ms. Maraile Görgen GIZ-DAR, Mr.-Sok Sothy and Mr. Khol Yuthly both NCDDS (from left to right).

What is your challenge being a District Female Councillor in Kratie? How does it differ to the role as Female Councillor in Kampong Speu? How do you raise your voice for your citizens? How do you manage to be heard in council meetings? These and other questions about roles and responsibilities of female councillors were discussed in a nationwide Female Councillor Forum on 29th and 30th of November. Nearly 90 female councillors from district and provincial councils all over the country met in Kampong Cham to learn and exchange about their role as citizens’ representative.

During the two day workshop which was jointly organised by the Secretariat of the National Committee for Subnational Democratic Development (NCDD-S), the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the GIZ Decentralisation and Administrative Reform (DAR) Programme, female councillors strengthened their proposal writing and public speaking skills and had the opportunity to exchange achievements and challenges they face in their daily work.

Female Councillors lively discuss and exchange during the group work.

Female Councillors lively discuss and exchange during the group work.

Mr. Khol Yuthly and Ms. Vong Sreymon from NCDD-S and Ms. May Sreylon from GIZ DAR facilitated the event and supported the female councillors with their ideas and experiences. Mr. Sok Sothy from NCDD-S opened the Forum by briefing the female councillors about the latest developments in the decentralisation reform and appreciated female councillors’ commitment. Lively discussions and intensive exchange between the participants took place during the two day Forum and contributed to its success. All female councillors appreciated the opportunity to get to know each other and to expand their network.

Ms. Vong Sreymom left and Ms. May Sreylon right interviewing a female councilor during a “Female Councillors News Show”.

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