‘Our Health Center Midwife’ – Safer deliveries and improved quality of care at the Chey Health Centre

“I am happy that I have been increasingly recognized for my work as a midwife at Chey health center” (Ms.Sun Phany)

08 December 2014

The situation in 2009 / 2010

Chey Health Center
Location: Kon Thnot village, Chey commune, Kampong Thom (rural Cambodia)

Population: 9,803 persons (15 villages)

Poverty rate (date): 25%
Staff in 2010: 5
Founded in: 1990

When Ms Sun Phany, a 24 year-old and newly graduated primary midwife started working at Chey Health Centre in 2009, she experienced challenges like many other midwifes all around rural Cambodia. More >>>

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