Leave no one behind: Opening of the 5th Roundtable for inclusion

20 November 2014

On November 11, the 5th round table on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in German Development Cooperation’ took place. Dr. Gerd Müller, Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, opened the meeting and put emphasis on the importance of the issue.  He stressed inclusion as a shared responsibility and genuine participation as an opportunity for all of us – they are quality characteristics of the German Development Cooperation. Country representatives from Cambodia, Zimbabwe and Indonesia were invited to lead three thematic working groups. The GIZ Social Health Protection Program presented their inclusion strategy and activities for persons with disabilities in the Cambodian health and social protection sector. The round table for inclusion serves as a forum for exchange between different actors of the German Development Cooperation, working to advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities.

For German version, and more information, please refer to: http://www.bmz.de/de/presse/aktuelleMeldungen/2014/november/20141111_pm_109_Eroeffnung-des-Runden-Tischs-zur-Inklusion/index.html Share on Facebook

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