Launching event for the first EU Certified Organic Farms of fresh fruits and vegetables in Cambodia

23 August 2017

Integrated Public Private Partnerships (iPPP) are a key component of the “Standards in the Southeast Asian Food Trade” (SAFT) project. Such partnerships are based on the idea that development goals are best achieved when the public sector cooperates with the private sector. In Cambodia, SAFT entered an iPPP agreement with the Khmer Organic Cooperative Co., Ltd (KOC) for the period of 15 September 2016 to 28 February 2018, with a total volume of 95,000 Euros. SAFT also cooperated with the GIZ regional project “ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems” (ASEAN-SAS) on showcasing organic best practices for the production of vegetables and fruits, and on how to create regional market access in Cambodia. As a result of several trainings and technical advice, two organic agricultural farms of KOC have been successfully certified.

To celebrate this achievement, the SAFT project in cooperation with KOC organized a launching Ceremony for the first EU Certified Organic Farms in Cambodia on August 11, 2017. The event aimed at promoting food standards to relevant stakeholders, building trust with companies on EU organic certified products, and highlighting the importance of growing food that is safe for eat. There were 118 participants, including representatives from the German Embassy, GIZ, Government Ministries, NGOs, Businesses, lucky super market and consumers.


Ra Ten

Technical Advisor Standards in the Southeast Asian Food Trade (SAFT) Cambodia

Data Protection


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