Indigenous Community Representatives Report Improved Livelihoods to German Ambassador in Northeastern Cambodia

24 April 2015 – Meeting between German Ambassador H.E. Joachim Baron von Marschall and Kratie provincial working group co-chaired by H.E Sar Samrong, Provincial Governor, and H.E Dr. Sareth Boramy, Director of Land Distribution Sub Sector Program at MLMUPC, LASED Project Director (picture by GIZ).

April 23-28, 2015

Northeastern Cambodia – German Ambassador H.E. Joachim Baron von Marschall, senior GIZ officials and development partners visited a trip to Northern Cambodia to witness first-hand land tenure security and food security issues for indigenous communities. The field trip was an opportunity for officials to experience the challenges and achievements of GIZ’s Land Rights Programme (LRP), GIZ’s Improvement of Livelihood and Food Security (ILF) Project, and Deutsche Welthungerhlilfe (WHH)’s projects. More than 100 representatives joined the delegation to Kratie, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri and Tbong Khmum Provinces to learn about issues surrounding land tenure, food security and livelihood support for Idigenous Communities, and former landless and land-poor households. More>>>

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