Growing Numbers Call for a New Work Place

The National Audit authority is located at Building Number 5, Road Doung Ngeab III, Chambak Village, Sangkat Tek Tla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh.

02 October 2014

Phnom Penh, Cambodia –Nearly fifteen years ago, Cambodia’s National Audit Authority (NAA) was founded as an independent public institution under the Audit Law.

The authority aims to fulfil its function as an independent Supreme Audit Institution and is responsible for implementing the external audit of the Royal Government of Cambodia which consists of Financial Statements, Performance and Compliance Audits.

Realistically, the NAA in legal aspect has turned out its history by starting the public auditing operation in early 2002. During the two mandates which are the first 10 years, beside the administrative management and human resource capacity development, the achievements in terms of the audit reports showed that some negatives points were started improving and strengthening by most of ministries-institutions and audited entities according to their capabilities from year to year with accountability.

A successful ten years has led to the authority extending its operations. The longer the authority operates its mission, the more resources it requires, especially in the area of human resources. As of now, the authority’s work has expanded and staff numbers are on the rise, which created a cramped work place.

To cope with a sudden rise in staff, the authority’s management located a new office space to accommodate its growing numbers. Recently the transition has started and the authority is making home in its new facility. Operations picked back up in August this year and the authority is now running smoother than ever.

For more information, please contact Mr. Juergen Lehmberg, Project Manager of GIZ Support to the National Audit Authority Project (Tel: +855 12 333 101; )

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