Graduation Ceremony

Handover of the certificates. From left: H.E. Dr. Sum Map, H.E. Joachim Marschall von Bieberstein, H.E. DPM Dr. Sok An, Ms. Tean Saroth (SCU), Thomas Bernecker
Regardless of the official completion of the training, the students still keep on learning as they get special further training in the laboratory, with special scientific devices and new materials. So SCU can ensure that the work they carry out in various conservation projects in Angkor meet all the international standards.

11 January 2016

Siem Reap, Cambodia- The achievements of the young conservators of APSARA Stone Conservation Unit were acknowledged during a graduation ceremony at an internationals conference in Siem Reap.

ICC, the International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor, is an international forum where experts in various fields can exchange their experiences and views for the preservation and development of the cultural heritage of Angkor. This 2-day- conference is held twice a year by APSARA Authority under the patronage of UNESCO. More>>>

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