Global Handwashing Day

The first-ever Global Handwashing Day took place on October 15, 2008 across the world. To date, every year, the 15 of October is set as the Global Hand Washing Day. Handwashing is a simple, easy to implement and low-cost intervention, but extremely useful for the prevention of diarrhea and respiratory illnesses. The habit of regularly washing hand with soap before eating and after defecating can save more lives than vaccination or other medical interventions. Handwashing with soap can reduce almost half of the death from diarrhea and one-fourth of death from acute respiratory infections.

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, in co-operation with the Ministry of Rural Development with support from development partners and private sector have celebrated the Day every year since 2008.

More information, please refer to the guidelines.

Guideline on Participation in Global Handwashing Day by Educational Institutions – Khmer

Guideline on Participation in  Global Handwashing Day by Educational Institutions – English

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