GIZ News

Minister HE Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi delivering remarks.

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia, 4th July 2016 – The Ministry of Women’s Affairs today led a special meeting with representatives from 15 line ministries and civil society organizations to boost the implementation and monitoring of the Second National Action Plan to Prevent Violence against Women, the key national policy to address intimate partner violence and sexual violence in Cambodia. At the meeting, a new reporting system was established within the Government to increase accountability from line ministries and identify and tackle challenges in their responses to Violence against Women.

In her address, Cambodian Minister of Women’s Affairs Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi said, “As we speak here today women are being subjected to abuse and violence or even killed by their spouses and partners across our country. I hope that the new working methods and simplified reporting mechanism endorsed today will help line ministries to reactivate efforts and mobilize more human and financial resources to end this unacceptable human rights violation.”

Minister HE Mrs Ing Kantha Phavi delivering remarks.

Speaking at the meeting, Ms. Wenny Kusuma, Country Representative of UN Women, said “We are marking today the half way timeframe in the implementation of the National Action Plan to Prevent Violence against Women (2014-2018) with mixed feelings because much more needs to be done. According to a national survey commissioned by UN Women and WHO and launched by end last year, one in five Cambodian women aged 15-64 who have ever been in a relationship have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Another UN survey published in 2013 found that almost half of the Cambodian male perpetrators never face legal consequences. All this data is alarming and shows that response to Violence against Women from the Cambodian Government is far from being adequate enough.”

During her remarks, Dr. Ludgera Klemp, Counsellor of the German Embassy, said “Germany has supported the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and four NGOs (Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center, Transcultural Psychosocial Organization, Legal Aid Cambodia and Banteay Srei) to enhance coordination, quality and accessibility of services for women and girls victims of gender-based violence. In 2014 and 2015, over 4,000 women and girls survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual violence and their children received services in Siem Reap and Kampong Thom provinces. Violence against Cambodian female migrant workers and to trafficking in women and girls still remain as critical priorities. “

At the meeting, four ministries (Ministry of Women’s Affairs; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts; and Ministry of Information) also explained their progresses and challenges in their work to promote behavioral change of citizens to prevent Violence against Women before it happens. In addition, representatives from the Provincial Departments of Women’s Affairs from Siem Reap and Kampong Thom and from four NGOs presented some good practices and lessons learnt about their responses to Violence against Women and Girls at sub-national level.

The meeting was organized under the framework of the Technical Working Group on Gender-Based Violence, created in 2012 by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, supported by GIZ and UN Women –with funds from the German and Australian Governments- and comprised by line ministries, civil society organizations and development partners.

Officials from Ministry of Interior were attending the meeting.



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For further information please contact:

  • Mr. Phon Puthborey, Information Department, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Email: [email protected]; Mobile: (+855) 129 905 19
  • Mr. Rodrigo Montero Cano, Communications Advisor, Access to Justice for Women program, GIZ, Email: [email protected]; Mobile: (+ 855) 12 92 37 71

Ms. Mariken Bruusgaard Harbitz, Communication Officer, UN Women Cambodia; Email: [email protected]; Mobile: +855 (0)12 210 325

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