Fresher and safer exported fruit and vegetable for consumers, easier work for border check officers, and increase of export earnings among Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam

Welcome and opening remarks by Dr. Chan Phaloeun, Deputy Director General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Ministry of Agriculture,Cambodia

20 June 2018

Consumers in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam will enjoy fresh and safe fruit and vegetable while the three countries will benefit the better trade flow of agriculture goods, and hopefully an increase of agricultural exports and revenues among the three countries. Additionally, officers at the three border check points for food safety and phytosanitary measures will find it easier to work.

The Project of the Facilitating Trade for Agricultural Goods in ASEAN (FTAG) has initiated the Regional Study on “Assessment of Framework Conditions for Trade in Fresh Fruits and Vegetable in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam” with specific emphasis on trade in  … More >>>

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