Field and Nutrition Days– an efficient way to reach target groups!

09 December 2016

The first two Field and Nutrition Days of the project MUSEFO took place in the provinces of Kampot and Kampong Thom. More than 1.000 small-scale farmers and women in reproductive age could be reached and be informed about agricultural and health topics related to food and nutrition security in twelve different topic stations. The participants of the agriculture section got information about diversifying their nutrition and food production by building their capacity to grow a more diverse range of crops and small animal schemes in an organic way. Demonstrated were thereby themes like farm planning, home gardening, chicken raising and direct seeding, where also new agricultural tools were presented.

At the same time the women in reproductive age become aware and get knowledge about a balanced diet for their small children and themselves especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding period and the importance of basic hygiene practices. Promoting nutrition counselling and growth monitoring through the nurses and midwifes of the health centers serve the improvement of health care, and cooking demonstrations show them how to prepare healthy and diversified food for the whole family.

Innovative methods of direct seeding of mung bean were introduced as well as nutrition counselling for women and children under 2 years.

Partners from ASEAN-SAS Project, the Eco Agro Center (EAC), explaining the positive impact of Trichoderma.

To both groups a seed calendar, crop and recipe sheets were distributed to introduce an innovative tool creating and showing the important linkage between agriculture, nutrition and health. The science of a sustainable agriculture, organic crop production and ecological small scale animal raising set the course for a healthy and diversified food production and consumption.

Retrospectively the efforts about organizing the “Field and Nutrition Days” were a big success and it remains to be hoped that the new acquired knowledge also will be applied.

Farmers taking to the road with a lot of new
acquired knowledge and impressions.

Through the prospective “Field and Nutrition Days” the target group of 25’000 women in reproductive age, 5’000 children under two years and 15’000 farmers in 200 villages will be reached to prevent food insecurity and increase living conditions in the provinces of Kampot and Kampong Thom.

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