Data Protection

For statistical purposes and to improve our service, this website uses technology provided by the company etracker GmbH, which evaluates and then deletes data. No other use is made of the data, and the data are not passed on to third parties.

Every time you visit a page on the GIZ website and every time you download a file, information about the activity is processed and stored in a temporary protocol file. Before it is stored, each data set is rendered anonymous by altering the IP address.

The following information is stored for each page you view and each file you download:

  • Technical details of the browser used
  • Anonymous IP address
  • Date and time
  • Page opened/name of the file downloaded
  • Quantity of data transferred
  • Notification of whether viewing or download was successful

Temporary session cookies are used each time you view an individual page, to make navigation easier. Cookies are small text files that are stored locally in your browser cache. Session cookies do not include any personal data and expire at the end of each session, or after the completion of a user survey, which is conducted as a rule every two years. We do not use methods such as Java applets or ActiveX controls that make it possible to track your browsing behaviour.

Any personal details collected as part of the press mailing list subscription will only be used for the purpose of processing the subscription and dealing with your enquiries. Any personal information that we collect apart from your address, especially the job function and medium that you work for, help us pinpoint and deliver topics relevant for your target audience. Your details will not be passed onto third parties. No use will be made of your details for consulting purposes, for advertising or for market research. If you cancel your subscription, all your personal details will be deleted from our database. Postal addresses and email addresses that you provide when you make an enquiry or order information materials are used exclusively for correspondence or delivery purposes. When you use other web-based services that require the submission of more extensive personal data, such as online job applications or registration for training courses, the data protection declarations adapted to those services will also apply.

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