Building Capacities for Urban Planning

Mr. Haenert addressing the participants

2 February 2016

From 18 to 22 of January 2016, the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction conducted an Introductory Training Course for Urban Planning with the support of GIZ Land Rights Program II. It aimed to provide an insight into urban planning in general and to the first steps of an urban master planning process in particular. Participants were representatives of the 25 provincial spatial planning committees, mandated with the elaboration of spatial plans in the country. The training showcased the attempt of the ministry to increase subnational capacities for spatial and urban planning.  

Group photo of the training participants with H.E. the Senior Minister

Mr. Thomas Hänert, Component Manager in the GIZ Land Rights Program, emphasized the importance of creating capacities for urban planning in Cambodia in his short address to the participants:

“The cities and towns of Cambodia are one of the most visible and dynamic examples of transformation. Sub-urban areas become urban, low-rise areas become high-rise, and the open and green spaces are shrinking, while construction becomes denser. Traffic congestion and air pollution are affecting economic activities and the quality of city life. Cities and towns in change are in search for a new identity. For example, we all know about the ‘Pearl of Asia’ from about 90 years ago, but what will Phnom Penh be called in 20 or 30 years? (…) The competition of functions and uses for increasingly expensive urban land requires regulatory and well-informed consensus-oriented planning. Urbanization needs urban planning.  Urban planning needs urban planners.” 

H.E. Senior Minister Im Chum Lim during the closing remarks

H.E. Senior Minister Im Chum Lim personally provided the closing remarks to the training and handed the certificates to the participants. He urged the participants to apply the newly gained knowledge and to embark on the first steps of the planning process.

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